So delighted to be back on board the la boda bridal ship after being away for the best part of a year. Phoebe has settled in nicely into nursery and I’ve settled back nicely into my heels. I miss my mid morning snuggles with Phoebe and also our leisurely daytime strolls. But since being back I’ve realized I really missed the bridal game too!!
Even better that I’m back just in time for one of my fav buying trips…..Harrogate. Ipads, pens and notepads are all at the ready as we set off this weekend to find more amazing dresses for our la boda brides.
The weekend will be filled with catwalks, exhibition halls bursting with all things bridal and the odd glass of prosecco to help us along the way. It’s at shows like this that our passion for bridal is ignited. We can’t wait to see what our current designers will be bringing out in their next collections. Also excited to see what’s on offer from the newbies who are exhibiting.
We’d love to know though what our new la boda brides would love to see too. If only we had a crystal ball before trips like this! So if you’re newly engaged and just starting to think about dresses or even if you’ve been to a few shops and are still struggling to find exactly what you’re after, don’t be afraid to drop us a line/message. We’d love to hear your thoughts.
With love
Carmen xx